

Date R Home vs Away -
05/29 07:50 12 Sonoda vs View
05/16 04:00 5 Sonoda vs View
05/10 06:10 1 Sonoda vs View
04/09 02:45 3 Sonoda vs View
01/11 05:40 9 Sonoda vs View
01/10 06:50 11 Sonoda vs View
12/20 02:10 2 Sonoda vs View
12/05 03:40 5 Sonoda vs View
11/21 06:50 11 Sonoda vs View
11/15 07:30 12 Sonoda vs View
11/15 06:15 10 Sonoda vs View
11/07 07:05 11 Sonoda vs View


The "Sonoda" horse racing tournament is a thrilling and prestigious event that showcases the beauty, speed, and power of these magnificent creatures. Held at the renowned Sonoda Racecourse, located in Amagasaki, Japan, this tournament attracts horse racing enthusiasts from all over the world.

The Sonoda Racecourse is a state-of-the-art facility, featuring a meticulously maintained track that stretches over 1,800 meters. The track's design incorporates various turns and straightaways, providing a challenging and exciting course for both jockeys and horses. Spectators can enjoy a panoramic view of the entire track, ensuring an immersive and unforgettable experience.

The tournament itself consists of multiple races, each featuring a diverse lineup of talented horses and skilled jockeys. From sprint races to longer distances, the Sonoda tournament offers a wide range of competitions that cater to different racing styles and strategies. The horses, meticulously bred and trained for speed and endurance, showcase their incredible athleticism as they thunder down the track, captivating the audience with their grace and power.

The atmosphere at the Sonoda tournament is electric, with the crowd buzzing with anticipation and excitement. Spectators can place bets on their favorite horses, adding an element of thrill and suspense to the event. The cheers and roars of the crowd create an exhilarating ambiance, as they cheer on their chosen horses, urging them towards the finish line.

Beyond the thrilling races, the Sonoda tournament also offers a variety of entertainment options for attendees. From live music performances to delicious food stalls, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The event also provides an opportunity to learn more about the world of horse racing, with informative exhibits and displays that showcase the history and traditions of this beloved sport.

Whether you are a seasoned horse racing enthusiast or a casual spectator, the Sonoda tournament promises an unforgettable experience. From the thundering hooves of the horses to the cheers of the crowd, this event captures the essence of horse racing and celebrates the incredible bond between horse and rider. Join us at the Sonoda Racecourse and witness the excitement and beauty of this prestigious horse racing tournament.